Saturday, May 30, 2009

DDC 22 Print

DDC 22 Print: Four printed volumes help keep your collections organized

DDC 22, the four-volume unabridged edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, reflects the many changes to the body of human knowledge that have occurred since DDC 21 was published in 1996.

Published in mid-2003, DDC 22 includes helpful tools that make the classification easier to use.

You can download PDF versions of DDC 22 highlights, including an introduction, a glossary and a list of new features.

Each of these tools will help you better understand how the DDC organizes knowledge into a classification that is useful to library users worldwide.

The DDC 22 Introduction (37 pages, 258K), a full reprint from volume 1 of DDC 22, provides a detailed overview of the DDC, including basic terminology and an explanation of DDC structure, complete with many helpful examples.

If you are new to classifying with Dewey, this introduction will help you get started quickly.

The Glossary (9 pages, 74K), also reprinted from volume 1 of DDC 22, provides helpful definitions of DDC terms and gives users a common language for implementing the DDC.

New Features (20 pages, 143K), another reprint from volume 1 of DDC 22, concisely describes what’s new in DDC 22, including changes implemented to enhance classifier productivity and a selected list of specific changes to DDC numbers. Look here if you want to quickly assess the changes from DDC 22 that you can apply to your collections.

If you like to download the PDF versions of DDC 22 highlights, including the Introduction (37 pages, 258K), the Glossary (9 pages, 74K), or the New Features (20 pages, 143K), just go to the source of information at this url:

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